Monday, May 2, 2011

Lover Unleashed - JR Ward

                                    (Warning: Spoilers)
I'm floored once again! Manny and Payne are sexy hot! I love their chemistry, the spark they have. I was devastated at first when it seemed she wasn't going to get better...but what do you know? Sex heals. Haha, I loved that. And the way it long as she keeps doing her glow trick every once in a while on him, he won't need to worry about age. I just hope that holds true in his life span as well as body. I'm excited to see how they grow through the series and when they get mated. Will he get her name on his back? I hope so.

Part of the reason I love the series style books is catching up with a couple after the book. Seeing V and Jane struggle killed me but I love the place they are now. And all the Wardisms are fantastic...I can't get enough of it, true? I often find myself speaking like V for a while at least lol.

When I read Twilight, I hurt for Jacob because he could not be with his love and he was my favorite. Qhuinn...he's in the same boat and I cannot wait for his book. Plus he has the added question of whether he'll be with a male or female. Gives it a nice curve and note of unpredictability, which rocks. Though I have many favorites...Q is not the only one.

I'm glad there wasn't a lot of focus on the lessers this time. When we get to the sections from their point of view, I cringe. Only cause I hate them! lol Although Veck is interesting...I'm curious about him and what Xcor will do. He's still going through with his plan it seems so we will see. He better not get the best of my brothers, I'm tellin ya! No one can. They'll probably come back more in the next book, but this one was a nice break from their bullshit.

Fantastic work once again Warden! Much love for the books


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